Don't KALE My Vibe Chip Recipe

Fool-proof KALE CHIPS recipe for even the most novice chef.

ExWel Don't Kale My Vibe Chips


All you need is a baking sheet and 15 minutes.

+ Kale (preferably organic)

+ Extra Virgin Olive Oil (preferably organic)

+ Himalayan Pink Salt

Instructions: Set the oven to 400 degrees. Take your baking sheet and cover with EVOO. Wash, dry and cut up the kale, then spread it evenly throughout the baking sheet. Sprinkle a little more olive oil on top, along with your salt and mix it up. Place it in the oven for 10-15 minutes (depending on your crispy preference) and Bon Appétit Baby *Katy Perry voice.

ExWel Don't Kale My Vibe Chips
ExWel Don't Kale My Vibe Chips

KALE YEAH! This little leafy guy has been all over the nutrition news these past couple of years. What’s the deal in regard to hormonal balance?

BALANCE THYROID & ADRENAL HORMONES. With as much iron as meat, iron regulates thyroid hormones (metabolism, energy, mood) and adrenal glands (fertility, libido, energy).

MINIMIZES PMS. Premenstrual Syndrome is not an obligatory aspect of your menstrual cycle, although it has been culturally accepted as ‘normal’’.  PMS only occurs when estrogen and progesterone are out of balance. Kale is rich in vitamin K and calcium, which regulate these hormones.

STRESS LESS The antioxidants in kale restore hormonal equilibrium in regard to cortisol and adrenaline, which when out of balance, cause oxidative stress.

ExWel Don't Kale My Vibe Chips

Raw kale, like all cruciferous vegetables, contains a compound called thiocyanates that might hinder thyroid function. Luckily, cooking kale stops any thiocyanates from being released. Someone with a healthy thyroid would have to eat an exuberant amount to experience any sort of negative effect. My thyroid healing friends - always opt for cooked!

Don’t Kale My Vibe.

XO #ExWel