ExWel's Essentials

It is our own responsibility to protect our hearts; along with our happiness, health and spirit! Negative energy cannot penetrate our wellbeing unless we open the door and allow it into our sphere. On the journey to exhiLARAte my wellness, a few essential S’s keep me holistically satisfied and continue to be the vital foundation for steadfast expansion.

ExWel’s Essential S’s

1. Sleep • This is so imperative and yet, so underrated. We live in a results-driven ‘sleep when you’re dead’ day and age, but let me tell ya, that is going to happen a lot sooner if you don’t start catching those Z’s in this lifetime. 

2. Spirituality • This can be as organized as traditional religion, or as wild as your hippy-granola meditate-on-a-mountain-top heart desires, but the belief in something bigger than ourselves is crucial for a holistically happy life. The connection to our deepest selves while simultaneously interconnecting with the planet we live on and all other inhabitants is essential for our innate desire of belonging.

3. Sweat • Every. Damn. Day. Take your dog for a long walk, sign up for your favorite workout class, stream through an online platform from your living room or have some rowdy sex. There is no wrong way to get your heart pumping and sweat dripping.

4. Set boundaries • Coming from the one who hates to disappoint, yours truly, Mrs. Yes. When you cultivate the courage (yes it’s scary if it is something that you are not used to) to set boundaries, you set your soul on fire. You open up your life to the way that YOU want to live it. You stop living on someone else’s terms, and begin to establish your own. You will only have the space in your life to create your own happiness, when you determine and uphold your personal boundaries. 

5. Solid Support System • Life is not a one-(wo)man show. Quoted straight from my friend Brendon Urie (Panic! at the Disco), “if you never know who you can trust, then trust me you’ll be lonely.” A support system can include one individual, a whole family or an entire community, but they need to be solid. Meaning your foundation cannot be rocky. Their values align with yours, and they make you a better person… actually they do not make you anything, they simply support and motivate you to become your best self. 

We all have weird days, but keep showing up. Keep putting in the work. Not every single day is going to be perfect but make sure that showing up as your best self is your default setting.

You got this!

XO ExWel