Six Strategies To Reset Your System

#ExWelTips for getting your body back on track.

Whether I feel a cold coming on, overindulged this weekend, just got off a long flight or have a good ol’ pain-in-the-ass hangover; this is my go-to course of action to cleanse my sins, detox the demons and support my soul. 

1. PATIENCE | No regrets - as my 56 year old mom always says: #yolo. Those drinks with friends created lifelong memories, that glutenous dairy-filled meal aroused your appetite and fulfilled your palate’s desires, and flying cross country for the weekend seemed like a good idea at the time. Regardless of how you feel now, you participated in endeavors that made you happy at some point along the journey of the last 24 hours so GO YOU! This too shall pass. 

2. GINGER SHOTS | Barf. I know; but I swear by this. How LA of me… Long story short, the ginger root stimulates your system to cleanse the body by activating digestion, sweating and circulation to push toxins out. The enzymes in ginger contain strong antioxidants that help fight bacteria, alleviate nausea and boost your immune system to make you feel better faster. 

Costello Captures

3. GO GREEN | This may not be what your body is asking for, but I promise that this is what it wants. Load up on those leafy greens; sprouts, broccoli, zucchini, cucumbers, spinach, kale, the possibilities are endless! I prefer eating mine cooked to ease digestion on an unsettled stomach.

4. HYDRATION STATION | Your girl looooooves her morning coffee, but I opt for a more hydrating option when in recovery mode - pure green tea, organic coconut water or simple H2O (add lemon or orange slices - not only does it make your water less boring, but it increases hydration and detoxification). All I do is win, win, win. 

Do not underestimate the power of water based foods when it comes to hydration:

- watermelon (92%)

- pineapple (87%)

- strawberries (91%)

- cucumbers and celery (both 95%!)

Eat up, buttercup.

5. EPSOM SALT BATH | Not only does a bath relax your Nervous System and calm your mind, which gives your body the time and space to heal itself; but this age old remedy (magnesium sulfate) increases circulation to accelerate detoxification, breaks up congestion from the common cold, relaxes muscles, loosens stiff joints and reduces inflammation, resulting in an overall beneficial experience.

6. MOVE YOUR BODY | The body and the brain are incredibly interconnected so movement not only makes you feel better, but it jumpstarts the process of removing that cold, hangover, jet lag, or gluten from your system. I am not saying that you need to run a marathon, or participate in a full 2-hour Tracy Anderson Method workout (although that is my weapon of choice) - a casual walk around your neighborhood, dance party in your room or yoga flow will suffice.

Wishing you a quick and speedy recovery! If you enjoyed these #ExWelTips or have any additional questions feel free to tag/message me on Instagram @exhiLARAtedwellness, or leave a comment at the bottom of this page.

Sending you love from the Hamptons.

XO #ExWel